This is a set of images from a wedding this past weekend, where I was helping out the incomparable Tony Hoffer. Tony is a good friend of mine and a brilliant photographer, so when circumstances permitted us to work together, I was thrilled to collaborate. The weather was uncooperative with the outdoor wedding plans, but in retrospect it added many interesting facets to the photography. As I was not the primary photographer here, you may notice some differences and/or omissions from my standard coverage.
So Michael looked JUST like Actor Wes Bentley (pictured right)
Elizabeth and Bill were married this past weekend at a beautiful ceremony in Our Savior Lutheran Church here in Nashville, TN. I couldn't have asked for a couple with more sincerity and chemistry. The reception was held at fabulous Belmont Mansion, which also made my photographic job easier.
If you are interested in being notified when the entirety of this wedding is edited and released for viewing and ordering (a few more weeks!), please follow this link and sign up for Elizabeth & Bill's online gallery:
Thank you for looking, and please click on an image for a larger view (a must with the shot of the couple entering Belmont!).
Elizabeth is a beautiful lady who was married this past weekend. I hope you enjoy her bridal portraits, taken in my downtown Nashville studio! The second shot is my favorite: I really feel that it is both an illustration of how lovely she looked AND a hint of her personality.
Award-winning professional photographer based in Nashville, TN and serving commercial, portrait, and wedding clients worldwide. Formerly of 3/5th Special Forces Group (Airborne), back when I was cool.