I'm just going to take a moment out of our regularly scheduled programming to wish you all a happy Memorial Day, and remember my 5th Special Forces Group brothers who never came home. Forget politics or other divisive topics: each of these men believed in the best of the American dream and gave his life for the ideals of freedom and justice.
The motto of the Special Forces Regiment is De Oppresso Liber: "To Free The Oppressed."
De Oppresso Liber, brothers. I hope the team room fridge up there is stocked with plenty of cold ones.
SSG Ayman A. Taha
SSG Gary R. Harper
SFC Brett Walden
SSG Matthew Kimmell
CPT Michael Tarlavsky
SSG Paul C. Mardis
SSG Aaron Holleyman
SGM Michael Stack
MSG Kevin Morehead
MAJ Paul Syverson III
SFC William Bennett
SFC Daniel H. Petithory
SSG Brian C. Prosser
MSG Jefferson D. Davis
As you enjoy your Memorial day, Please take a moment to reflect on those who gave their lives for the freedoms we all enjoy.
Awesome. Happy Memorial Day folks.
We are deeply thankful that others think more of their country than they do of themselves.
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